Sometimes, something like networking opportunities, training courses, research, pubications, public affairs and communication is held in The British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association.
the official government body responsible for Intellectual Property (IP) rights in the United Kingdom. These rights include:
Trade marks
they are an Executive Agency of the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) . As part of the BIS, we are responsible for the role of IP rights in supporting innovation.
Corporate Plan sets out what we plan to do in the coming year.
Annual Review and Annual Report lets you know what we have done in the past year.
As an Executive Agency of the BIS they are directed and controlled by corporate governance rules to ensure that they, supply public services of the highest quality, share good ideas, control costs and above all deliver what we are supposed to.
To ensure that we act within these rules Ministers appoint independent members to sit on a Steering Board. This Steering Board has no executive functions; its role is to advise Ministers, through our Director General, on the strategies that we must adopt.
The Steering Board has established an Audit Committee to assist and advise it on risk, control, governance and associated issues. The Committee acts in a non-executive capacity.
the art of innovation: This book introduce Nightline project secret and show successful examples in business market by perform progressively innovational business.
There isn't a business in America that doesn't want to be more innovative and creative in their thinking, products, and processes. At many companies, being first with a concept and first to market are critical just to survive. In The Art of Innovation, the general manager of the world-renowned design firm IDEO, Thomas Kelley, takes readers behind the scenes of this wildly imaginative and energized company to reveal the strategies and secrets it uses to turn out hit after hit.
IDEO doesn't believe in the myth of the lone genius working away in isolation, waiting for great ideas to strike. The fact is, as Kelley points out, everyone is creative, and the goal at IDEO is to tap into that wellspring of creativity among its employees. How does it do that? First, IDEO fosters an atmosphere conducive to freely expressing ideas, throwing out (most of) the standard rules, and freeing people to design their workspaces and environment to fit their personalities. It is IDEO's focus on teams that has resulted in its countless innovative breakthroughs?the constant give-and-take among people willing to share ideas and trust in the group process, dubbed "the deep dive" by IDEO. In entertaining anecdotes illustrating some of IDEO's own successes (and mistakes), as well as poineering efforts at other leading companies, Kelley shows how teams?usually in groups of twelve to twenty people?research and completely immerse themselves in every possible aspect of a concept or problem, examining it from the perspective of the companies they are designing for, from the perspective of safety, and from the perspective of consumers. In the course of the book, Kelley outlines the steps IDEO and other successful companies use to achieve successful problem solving:
impressive sentences to quote
understand the market, the client, the technology, and the perceived constrains on the problem. Later in a project, we often challenge those constrains, but it’s important to understand current perceptions. P.6
Observe people in real-life situations to find out what make them tick: what confuses them, what they like. What they hate, where they have learnt needs not addressed by current products and services. P.6-7
Seeing and hearing things with your own eyes and ear is a critical first step in improving or creating a breakthrough product. We tipically call this process “ human factors” I prefer “human inspiration” or, as IDEO human factors experts Leon segar says, ‘ innovation begins with eye.” It’s general principle of human mankind. P.28 5-9
“why” and “why not?” question that lead to innovation. Whenever you are in that new-to-the experience mode, I would urge you to pay close attention and pecially the problems, the things that bug you.. we call these mental and jotted-down observation “bug list,” and they can change your life. P29 2-5
phase of the process. For new customer experience by using composite characters and storyboard-illustrated scenarios. In some cases, we even make a video that portrays life with the future product before it really exists.
Inspiration by observation
Open your eyes and you’ll be awakened to opportunities to improve products and services without even leaving your office.(p.35)
Little innovation
Sometimes even the best innovations fail because of simple, preventable miscalculation. Nothing can make a design team more humble than seeing its “great” idea scuttled because the team didn’t take the human factor into account. P44. (16-19)