GUCCI by GUCCI America. inc.
They launched online store in 2007 so they are at the head of online luxury business , have been used i-phone application so customers can meet collaboration, each season collection first of all.
Moreover, after gain season collection vision, related image can be shared with friends via face book & e-mail.

CHANEL opend the first i-pon application among luxury brands ; " CHANEL HAUTE COUTURE SHOW" through this , collection video, image, brand news, information related to store have been offered .this is very extraordinary most users using I-Phone tend to be y0ung generation so it is common evaluation about this the way Chanel communicate with their customers has been changed . this valus has been increased because this is only source to delieve collection information with chanel main internet site.

this brand is opening attractive collection and even collection backstage as well as specific explanation in each collection style. the image of this brand's ic0nic bag' Liki-bag is shown with 360' whole direction system specifically.
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